Sunday, April 21, 2013



For the years, I've been aching to go to Warped. As a 6th grader, when I realized how amazing this event was, my mom thought I was too young to go. It was heart breaking, but I knew when I got to high school she'd change her mind.
When I became a freshman, I re-pitched my plea to go to the most amazing music event on the planet. Again, my mom said it was too crazy and that I'd get hurt or something would get stolen or whatever. Any reason she could find to say no, she found.
Now, I'm not trying to bash my mom. I love my mom and I know she only cares and has what's best in mind. BUT SHE WOULDN'T CUT ME A BREAK. How does one explain to a parent just how great Warped is? Because as a parent, I definitely see the concerns. There's mosh pits, girls with little-to-no clothes, it's extremely hot, there's billions of people, millions of ways to get lost, something stolen, or even kidnapped, possibly. Not saying that's ever happened, but with the world we live in today, you can't rule that out.
Anyways, I've never been great with persuasion, so it was still a no. I sulked while people at my school bragged about how amazing it was, all the stuff they got, and all the bands they had met. I was insanely jealous.
Finally when I became a sophomore, my mom said it was okay if I went. I was STOKED. But then I realized the dilemma I was in. I was a very shy person in school, I always have been. Don't really know why, it's just how I am, unfortunately. Even now it plagues me. With that said, I mainly only had the friends I knew from my basketball team. I was extremely close to them, but the problem with them was that they didn't share my music taste, and had no interest in going to Warped. As you can guess, with their decline, went my opportunity to experience Warped.
Jr. year was no different, their music tastes didn't change and neither did my personality, so I didn't have any new friends who wanted to go.
Senior year was the same story. I did have a friend who probably would have went with me by then, but I felt I didn't know him well enough. I mean, I had gone to two previous concerts with him, but I don't know. It just didn't seem like it would have been as fun as it might be had I asked someone I knew really well.
So, I kind of gave up on Warped. I mean, I graduated and am kind of disconnected from my friends now. That is, until I realized my brother liked a lot of the music I played when we were in the car. A light bulb went off in my head.
Before I asked him to go to Warped, I wanted to see if he was cool with the whole concert environment. I asked him to go to a Mayday Parade concert with me, and he said sure. The concert was a shared headliner between The Maine and MP, with a band called The Postelles (forgive me if that's misspelled) as the opener. It was AMAZING. Of course, my brother isn't as into MP (or music in general) as I am, but he did say it was cool.
I decided to push my luck and see if he'd go to another show with me. I had to beg a little on this one, since he didn't know the bands as well as he had known Mayday Parade. This concert consisted of Paradise Fears, Go Radio, We Are The In Crowd, and was headlined by The Summer Set. AKA the "Wake Up And Be Awesome Tour." (I know the poster says For The Foxes, but I think they joined on later.)
This show was freaking amazing (other than my car getting towed during The Summer Sets' set). My brother, again, said he had a decent time. I thought it would be cool to ask him to go to Warped with me now. I told him all about it, the bands playing, how you can meet them, all the merch, free stuff, and what not. This all, somehow, didn't convince him. He's just not as into music as I am, he's more of a...I don't know. He's just not a concert guy.
Well, I figured the biggest turn off to him was standing around watching band after band play. While that sounds like Heaven to me, to someone who doesn't really even listen to the bands and isn't a music junkie in the first place might not be too excited when hearing about it. So I decided to compromise.
I told him that if he went we didn't have to stand and watch them all. I said the one band I wanted to see the most was Sleeping With Sirens and the rest of the time I REALLY wanted to meet them and buy a lot of stuff. AND HE SAID "Okay, then that's fine."
So that's my little story of how I got myself to Warped. My mom bought me tickets last week for my birthday which is next week, and any money I get for my birthday I'm spending there. I'm so incredibly excited I just had to make a post about it. I just hope it turns out how I imagine it will.
Here's what I want to do:

My NUMBER 1 GOAL is to meet Sleeping With Sirens. Kellin Quinn is my idol and that band has done so much for me. I'm PRAYING that someone has a signing with them sometime after 1:00pm cause my brother works until 10am or 11am sometimes so I won't get there right when it opens.
I also am excited for The Summer Set (yes, I know what you're thinking, 'how can you be excited for them when you said so many bad things!?' well, just because their album sucked doesn't mean they as people suck. I've always wanted to meet them.) Go Radio, Set It Off, Forever The Sickest Kids, Story of the Year, Sleeping With Sirens (obviously) and many more. And I want to buy a lot of stuff.
If anyone has ever been to Warped and you see this, can you comment if you know if there's a time they STOP letting people in? That could pose a problem.
Even though he'll never read this, I want to thank my brother for being FREAKING AMAZING. He doesn't even know 90% of the bands and he's going just for my sake. I think that's so cool of him and he'll never understand how much I appreciate it.

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